Ville de Bombardopolis is the primary settlement of Bombardopolis, Haiti. Located in the center of town, this district is centered along Môle Saint-Nicolas Road.
• On June 14, 1796, the English that were stationed at the Môle led new forces against Bombardopolis. This parish, then perfectly planted with food of all kinds, was to be of great importance to the English garrison and the Mole's entire fleet.
• Bombardopolis is five leagues from the Mole; the only path through which artillery can be passed, was crossed with barricades made of tall, overturned trees and enormous stones. When the English began to march, the wind raised thick dust over the high road. They arrived at the number of 2000 in front of the fort which protected the village, at midday, through a burning atmosphere, without having found a drop of water.
• Bombarde was occupied by 300 German half-bred Germans and Africans who were its inhabitants. After an hour of fighting, the garrison surrendered. The English had 8 men killed, both officers and soldiers and 18 wounded. But a few days later, assaulted on all sides by General Pageot who commanded Port-de-Paix, they were forced to evacuate the town, after losing 400 men.
The Valtiere habitation, located in the rural section of Orange Plain, bears the name of Baron de Valtiere, a white settler.
The remnants of colonist Lenoir's indigo plantations are reportedly still visible in the vicinity of the Lenoir habitation. This area is characterized by its iron-rich soil.
Neighboring sections