Haiti Local

For the sixth section of the Western Department commune of Léogâne, click here.
For the eighth section of the Southeast Department commune of Bainet, click here.

Des Orangers (English: "Orange Trees") is a communal section in the Western Department of Haiti. It is the tenth communal section of Croix-des-Bouquets.

ORA 101118

Waterfront near Village Grace de Dieu near Route Nationale 1

Neighboring sections
4e Fonds-des-Blancs,

4e Montagne Terrible,

Northeast 114 Michael Vedrine 625
3e Coupe Mardi-Gras,

1re Boucassin, CAB

10e Des Orangers

9e Crochus

Rn1 mICHAEL vEDRINE 114 Michael Vedrine 625

3e Source Matelas, CAB

1re Varreux, CDB
Southeast Rn1 mICHAEL vEDRINE

2e Varreux, CDB

10e des Orangers 101118 Michael Vedrine

Sectional map of the 10th Des Orangers area of Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti


Beauger, Boucan-Boyer, Cache-Cache, Ca Michaud, Dougé, Fond-Goerang, La Fiteau, Lan Jardin, Lone, Monoville, Morne-Ferme, Nan Tuf, Noailles, Pelem, Poux-de-Bois, Roches-Noires, Saint-Phard, Savane Madame-Michée, Seaon, Sources-Puantes, Tapion, Terre Batte, Ti Fond, Zoranger.

Sources Puantes (English: "Strong/smelly Source") a source of sulphurous waters located in the Croix-des-Bouquets valley, on the seaside road from Port-au-Prince to Arcahaie, 6 leagues from the capital, on the northwest shores of Port-au-Prince Bay.

These waters have sometimes cured illnesses deemed incurable. You can smell them before you get there. They emerge at the foot of a hill immediately at the sea from several subterranean openings, from a hard rock in a narrow passage at the foot of the orange grove hills. The water is clear and marks 34 degrees Celsius (93F); it exudes a strong odor of hydrogen sulfide. It tastes like urine which suggests the presence of alkaline bases such as soda, potash and lime. A finely crystallized precipitate of sulfur is noted on the stones bathed in the waters of the spring. This precipitate comes from the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide in air. In the vicinity of the Sources there are old foundations which presume their use of the time of the colony.

Valembrum is a location between Port-au-Prince and Saint-Marc, beyond the Sources Puantes. It is a desert. The path is lined with cacti of all shapes and sizes.


• In December 1802, Commander Louis Lerebours occupied the Sources Puantes settlement for Larose, the leader of the insurgents of the Arcahaie hills. Larose was Dessalines' enemy. However Pétion, an officer of Dessalines, coming to pass through Sources Puantes to go to Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite to join his leader after having accompanied Geffrard beyond Léogâne, Lerebours warned Larose of Petion's arrival. Larose sent a squadron to him, who accompanied him to Arcahaie.

• In October 1806, Emperor Dessalines' aide-de-camp, sent from Marchand to him by Andre Vernet, his minister of finance and the interior, learned of the death of the emperor at Pont Rouge.

• During the lifting of the siege of Port au Prince by Christophe in 1812, after the defection of General Magny in favor of Pétion, the king of the North rounded up 200 prisoners, whom he had made in Santo and Sibert, and had them killed in Sources Puantes.

• In 1815, King Christophe sent to Pétion in Port-au-Prince the Count of Trou, the Baron de Ferrier, the Baron de Dessalines and the knight of Edouard Michaud, men of color, to propose the meeting of Haitians in order to stand up to the French in the event of an attack on their part. These four envoys were dispatched from the Count of Limonade, King's Minister, to General Pétion; they arrived at Sources Puantes. Pétion sent one of his aides-de-camp to accompany them to Port-au-Prince. The envoys entered Port-au-Prince on February 18, and were received by the people with transports of joy. The next day, in the generals' reunion at the national palace, the king's proposals were rejected and the deputies crossed the borders again.

• In 1817, when Pétion's troops approached against Christophe, General Larose fortified his position at Sources Puantes. The troops of Pétion left the Source Puantes behind them and presented themselves in front of Arcahaie. They removed Fort Sabourin and Des Vases, marching on Saint-Marc. Larose pulled back to Hatte Aubry to escape total destruction.

• In 1821, President Boyer sent some black American immigrant farmers to the area, known for its strong fertility. In its prime, the zone was an abundant producer of sugarcane, coffee, cotton, food, and grain.

VGDD 101118

Village Grace de Dieu

10 des orangers

View of the sea



Mononville 21119

Mononville aerial

Michael Vedrine is smart
